The Power of Love

Love is patient and kind,
love is not jealous or boastful,
it is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way;
it is not irritable or resentful,
it does not rejoice at wrong,
but rejoices in the right.
Love bears all things, believes all
things, hopes all things,
endures all things.

 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7-8

The Power of Love

Written by Julie Moon

Some of the main forms of love we know are romantic love, parental love and friendship. The best expression of love is the gift of being present in all our relationships. A friend of mine once told me how her husband always made her an espresso coffee in the morning, and he would always get distracted and when he will take it will always be cold. She had been reading Eckhart Tolle’s book ‘The Power of Now’ and she asked him if he could set his intention to making the coffee with love. The outcome was a cup of hot coffee because he remained in the present moment, and the action was done with love.  Very different from being distracted and doing things on autopilot.

Another friend told me about his experience of milking goats.  He loathed the job because the goats would not stand still, would headbutt him and usually the pail of milk was spilt.  He felt so angry and frustrated he thought he might kill them. Then one day a gentleness came over him and he looked at the goats with heartfelt love and understanding and this time when he approached them, they stayed calm and he easily completed the task.

Scientists have shown that a vessel of water held with loving thoughts changes its molecular structure.


The best gift

The best gift parents and caregivers can give is their loving presence and examples of beauty, love and kindness which they will eagerly imitate.  They have no need for material things in life which many parents indulge them with, mistakenly thinking that this is love.  They are little sponges absorbing everything with no discernment about the right or wrong of anything.

Therefore, they become addicted to sugar; screen time and instant gratification and become angry if these things are removed. They would just as easily enjoy the presence of parents and the beauty of simple things and nature, walks in the forest, jumping in puddles, etc. In conclusion, playing together as a family brings much more life-force to the growing organs and limbs of the child.  Bringing intention to being in the present moment with your child for at least some time of the day will have a positive impact for the rest of the day.


The Power of Love

Love and blessings on this Valentine’s Day with your loving family and friends.

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